
How To Get Your Crush To Like You

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If you have a crush on someone and want them to feel the same way about you, there are a few things you can do to try to get their attention. Try being their friend first by being supportive and learning about their interests and hobbies. Show them all of the amazing qualities about yourself, like your ability to have fun, your sense of style, and your confidence in yourself. By showing your interest in getting to know your crush and doing small things like smiling and making eye contact, your crush may start liking you too. If you know that your crush is interested in someone else, it's probably not a good idea to use these techniques.

  1. 1

    Be a supportive friend. The best relationships start as a strong friendship. Focus on being the best friend you can be by doing things like helping them when they're in need, being an active listener, and showing your support whenever possible.[1]

    • Let your crush tell you all about their bad day, an exciting achievement, or whatever is on their mind. Try to be engaged and focused on them. Give them eye contact!
    • Support them by doing things like cheering them on if they're on the basketball team, helping them study for a test, or getting them a treat when they're feeling down.
  2. 2

    Find out what they're passionate about. This includes things like music, sports, books, and hobbies. Finding out what types of things they love will give you something to talk about with them, and you might even find a common interest that you both share.[2]

    • For example, maybe they're passionate about volunteering at a nursing home, sailing, and woodworking.
    • Find out about their passions by asking them what they're interested in, asking one of their friends, or looking at their social media profiles.
  3. 3

    Ask questions about their interests and life. This is one of the best ways to show someone you're interested while establishing a strong connection. Ask them about their family, pets, hobbies, or any other topic that helps you get to know them.[3] This shows that you're engaged and interested in their life.[4]

    • For example, you might ask them what they'd like to study in college, what the names of their pets are, or how they learned to play the guitar.
    • Asking questions will likely encourage them to ask questions about your life in return so that you both get to know each other on a deeper level.
  4. 4

    Listen when they talk to you. This means showing the signs of a good listener by looking at your crush when they're talking and avoiding interrupting them. Try to remember things they've told you to show that you truly do listen and want to hear more of what they have to say.[5]

    • Show that you're truly listening by making eye contact and nodding appropriately when they're speaking to you.
    • If you're speaking to them over text or social media, try to respond to their messages in a timely manner and give thoughtful responses.
    • For example, if your crush told you they love a certain musician, you might let them know when that musician is performing near you to show that you were listening to their interests.
  5. 5

    Spend lots of time with them. The more time you spend around someone, the more likely they are to develop an attraction to you.[6] Try to hang out with your crush as much as possible, whether it's in a large group, with just a few other friends, or alone.[7]

    • Try doing different activities when you're with each other, like going to a movie, hanging out in a park with friends, or even just sitting together at lunch.
  1. 1

    Have good personal hygiene. This means doing things like brushing your teeth, showering, and putting on deodorant. Keep your body clean by washing your face daily and lathering with soap. When you take care of your body, you'll look and feel more attractive.[8]

    • Wash your hair every couple of days, using conditioner after you shampoo if desired.
    • Wear clean clothes daily to ensure you look and smell fresh.
  2. 2

    Show them your playful and fun side. If your crush sees you having a good time, they'll be more likely to want to spend time with you so they have fun too.[9] Try telling your crush funny stories about yourself or just being laid-back and goofy around them to show your humorous side.[10]

    • Consider being playful and flirty by giving your crush a gentle shove or tap.
    • Show off your wit or any jokes you know when you're around your crush or over text.
  3. 3

    Dress in clothing that shows off your style. Choose trendy clothes that you truly like and that fit your body well. Try not to wear certain clothes just because they're in fashion or you think your crush would like them—pick out clothes you feel confident in and that mirror your personality.[11]

    • If you want to look fashionable and girly, find dresses or flowy tops in prints or patterns you like.
    • Wear fitted jeans and a t-shirt with a picture of your favorite band or book on it to show your interests.
  4. 4

    Maintain a level of mysteriousness. Instead of telling your crush everything about yourself at once, try to take it slow and let them learn about you in small tidbits. Constantly talking about yourself is going to overwhelm your crush. Instead, space out the information you tell them, making them want to hear more about you.[12]

    • If your crush asks you a question about your life like "What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?" you could answer the question and then ask your crush a question to keep the conversation flowing naturally.
  5. 5

    Be yourself! Try not to act differently or pretend to be interested in things you're not just so that your crush will like you. When you're being your true self, you'll give off more confidence and energy than you would if you were faking it, making it more likely for your crush to be attracted to you.[13] Stay true to yourself and don't worry if your crush doesn't realize how great you are.[14]

    • Share your passions with your crush to show them what you're interested in and find out whether you have any common interests.
  1. 1

    Smile as often as possible. A smile will immediately brighten your entire look, making it a simple way to help attract your crush. Try to smile more often when you're around your crush, even if you're not directly talking to them. It will make you look and feel naturally happier![15]

    • Smile at your crush if you see them in the hallway, or give them a smile when talking to them about their weekend plans.
    • If you're texting your crush or using social media, try sending them a smiley face symbol or emoji.
  2. 2

    Hold eye contact to show your interest. When your crush looks at you, hold their gaze for a few seconds before looking away. This extra eye contact hints that you like them, and it may stir up feelings inside of them too.[16]

    • If you're talking to your crush, look into their eyes as you're speaking.
    • If your crush notices you looking at them, hold the eye contact for a few seconds and give them a smile.
  3. 3

    Lean in when you're talking to them. This shows that you're interested in what they're saying or doing. Whether you're sitting across from them at a table or standing a few feet from one another, try to lean towards them a couple of inches to show that you're engaged.[17]

    • For example, if you're sitting in class at separate desks, lean your body towards them when asking your crush a question or telling them about your day.
    • Pointing your body towards someone is a signal that you're attracted to them.
  4. 4

    Pay attention to your posture. You'll look more attractive and confident if you have great posture. Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders relaxed and back, and avoid crossing your arms in front of you.[18]

    • Avoid hunching over when you're walking or sitting at a table.
  5. 5

    Laugh at your crush's jokes. And as you are laughing, playfully and lightly hit your crush on the shoulder, this will let your crush know that you're paying attention to what he is saying. Don't overdo it though, as it will make you seem weird.

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  • Question

    How do I get my crush to notice me?

    Mark Rosenfeld

    Mark Rosenfeld is a Dating and Relationship Coach for women and founded Make Him Yours in 2015. Mark specializes in helping people find, attract, and keep extraordinary relationships. He has been featured in Style Magazine, Thought Catalog, Elite Daily,, and The Good Men Project. Mark's dating videos have received over 60 million views, and his book "Make Him Yours – Beating the Odds of Modern Dating" was a best-seller on Amazon on its release.

    Mark Rosenfeld

    Dating & Relationship Coach

    Expert Answer

    Start up a conversation with them! For instance, you might make a comment when you see them in class or brush past them in the hallway. Try to hold eye contact for a little longer when you talk with them, and let the eye contact linger for a little more as you walk away.

  • Question

    How do I make the first move on my crush?

    Mark Rosenfeld

    Mark Rosenfeld is a Dating and Relationship Coach for women and founded Make Him Yours in 2015. Mark specializes in helping people find, attract, and keep extraordinary relationships. He has been featured in Style Magazine, Thought Catalog, Elite Daily,, and The Good Men Project. Mark's dating videos have received over 60 million views, and his book "Make Him Yours – Beating the Odds of Modern Dating" was a best-seller on Amazon on its release.

    Mark Rosenfeld

    Dating & Relationship Coach

    Expert Answer

    Pay attention to the little things they mention in a conversation. For instance, if they talk about having a dog, you might say something like, "You've got to introduce me to your dog someday." If they're a tennis player, you might say, "We've gotta hit the tennis courts sometime so you can introduce me to the sport." If the other person seems enthusiastic, you can do a number exchange right away to set things up.

  • Question

    How can you make your crush fall in love with you?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    You can't really make anyone fall in love with you—only they can decide how they feel! The best you can do is spend time getting to know them, treat them with kindness and respect, and be your best self around them. From there, it's up to them!

  • Question

    Can I get my crush to like me without talking to them?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    You might be able to catch your crush's attention by looking your best and acting confident and fun when you're around them. However, if you really want to get to know them (and for them to get to know you), you'll have to talk to them eventually.

  • Question

    How do I get my crush to like me over text?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Communicating over text can be tricky, because you and your crush will miss out on subtle cues like body language and tone of voice. But you can still be flirty, chatty, and friendly over text, which may help catch their interest. Keep your conversations positive and thoughtful, and use emojis to help show your emotions more clearly.

  • Question

    How do you know if your crush likes you?

    Community Answer

    You can tell that your crush likes you if he or she finds excuses to talk to you or touch you. If your crush is shy, he or she might just stare at you from a distance, and smile or look embarrassed when you notice.

  • Question

    What if my crush used to have a crush on me but not anymore?

    Community Answer

    Do you know for sure they don't like you anymore? There might still be something there. Your best bet is to just tell him/her how you feel and ask them if they're still interested.

  • Question

    The guy I like can be really mean sometimes. What do I do?

    Community Answer

    If the guy knows it's bothering you and still won't stop, he's too immature to be in a healthy relationship.

  • Question

    What if your crush is your ex?

    Community Answer

    Take an honest look at your old relationship and why it ended. Don't try to start it again unless you see good evidence that something has changed for the better. This is very difficult to do if the breakup was recent.

  • Question

    If my male crush is gay, should I just let him go?

    Community Answer

    Even though you like him, yes, my advice is to let it go. You can't change someone's sexuality, so there's no sense in getting hung up on someone who isn't likely to ever be interested in you.

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  • Avoid being glued to your phone when you're with your crush.

  • Try hanging out with your crush in a group if you're nervous about spending time with them one-on-one.

  • Compliment your crush to help show your interest in them.

  • Try being direct and telling your crush how you feel—you never know, they might end up liking you back.

  • Remember to always feel confident about yourself no matter what!

  • Do not follow your crush everywhere, he/she will think you are stalking them.

  • Make your smile normal (not overdoing it).

  • If your crush doesn't like you, don't make a fuss about it, it may turn out that he/she isn't a good person. And also remember, there are lots of other people in the world.

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Article SummaryX

If you have a crush on someone and you want them to like you back, spend some time talking to them so you can find things you have in common. Be supportive when they're feeling down, offer to help if they're having trouble with something, and tell jokes to make them laugh so they can see what a good friend you are. Also, try to act as relaxed and comfortable as possible when your crush is around so they feel at ease. Finally, be sure to smile and make eye contact with your crush to show that you're interested and happy being around them! For tips on showing off your playful side, keep reading!

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How To Get Your Crush To Like You


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